Bellbird - Korimako
With red eyes and a short but strong curved bill, these green and blackbirds are quite beautiful.
The Bellbird is known for singing its beautiful bell-like song throughout the year which is at its best when in chorus with other Bellbirds. Captain Cook wrote their song "seemed to be like small bells most exquisitely tuned".
An important pollinator and seed distributor the Bellbird plays a major role in restoring and sustaining New Zealand's natural habitat.
What do Bellbirds eat?
These songsters have a brush tongue that enables them to sip nectar from native plants and in return, they play an important part in their pollination. They also feed on fruit and insects.
To help supplement their diet you can hang fresh fruit out for them. Or provide them with nectar such as Kohab Nectar in a Kohab Nectar Feeder, they will be attracted to the beautiful deep red colour and love the sweetness plus get a boost from the additional nutrition it provides. You can also plant native and insect friendly plants to support their natural diet and habitat.