Birdhouse FAQs.
Should I put a birdhouse in my garden?
In addition to feeding birds, adding a birdhouse (or birdbox) to your garden is a great way to support and encourage wildlife. You are providing a safe nesting site for a new generation of birdlife. A Kohab Birdhouse will help them take up residence and kohabit alongside you.
It's a win-win as you will get to watch and enjoy all the comings and goings of a pair of birds while they set up their nest and feed their young, helping you to connect even more with the nature around you. Plus, you can enjoy welcoming a new generation into the world.
What type of birdhouse should I choose?
Each bird species has different nesting needs and some will simply not use a birdhouse, but lots will. When selecting a birdhouse make sure it’s watertight, has ventilation holes, is easily mounted on a wall, fence or tree and can be opened up for cleaning once the breeding season is over. This is very important and why novelty birdhouses are not safe for birds long-term.
The Kohab Birdhouse range has been designed to keep birds in New Zealand warm and safe. Our Kohab Open Birdhouse will attract Grey Warblers, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Silvereyes and House Sparrows and sometimes Tui. Our Kohab Starling Birdhouse is designed especially for the Starling with a 45mm hole, while the Kohab Sparrow Birdhouse has a smaller 32mm hole to keep smaller birds safe from intruders. And we have Ruru Birdhouse designs, especially for New Zealand’s endemic Morpork Owls.
All Kohab Birdhouses have good floor ventilation to keep moisture levels low, have thick 12mm walls and roof, and are watertight to keep the birds and chicks warm and dry. They are made from marine-grade plywood and non-treated, which is also very important for bird health. You should avoid any birdhouse made of tantalised wood as this is harmful to birds.
Where should I put my birdhouse?
All birdhouses should be positioned in a spot that is sheltered from prevailing winds. They should be kept out of bright sunlight, and away from particularly wet spots.
Birds will only nest in a box they feel safe in, so position yours in or around some vegetation so they are well hidden and with trees or bushes close by. Ensure they have mounted several metres off the ground and away from branches, which predators such as cats or possums can climb along.
How do I put my Kohab Birdhouse together?
It’s easy to put your Kohab Birdhouse together, simply follow the easy steps in the instruction sheet.
When should I put up my birdhouse?
Birds can take a while to decide on a new nesting spot so it’s best to put up a birdhouse as soon as you have one. Some birds like to keep an eye on a potential spot for some months, while others will move in as soon as their breeding season starts. And sometimes birds will use the house as a roosting or sheltering spot for a while before starting a family there.
Will my birdhouse get used straight away?
Birds can take a while to decide on a new nesting spot so don’t be surprised if you don’t have a family moving in straight away. However, having birds nesting in your garden is magical and well worth the wait.
I don’t have a garden, can I still use a birdhouse?
You sure can! You don’t need a garden to use a birdhouse. As long as you can position the birdhouse in a safe, sheltered spot in or close to vegetation you have a good chance of getting birds kohabiting with you.
Do I need to clean out my birdhouse and if so how often?
Yes, birdhouses do need to be cleaned out. This will keep it a desirable home year after year and help limit the potential for the spread of germs and diseases. Clean your birdhouse at the end of each breeding season. This involves opening up the box (Kohab Birdhouses have a slide-out base) and removing the old nest and any other debris or deposits. We recommend you use a 5% disinfectant solution and give the house a good scrub inside and out followed by a thorough rinse. Always wear gloves when handling birdhouses and wash them outside. Birds can carry infections that can be dangerous to humans so good hand hygiene is essential.
Does it matter what colour my birdhouse is?
Birds can see colours and are often attracted to things because of their colour, such as our red Kohab Nectar. However, they like to feel safe and secure when nesting and raising their family. We suggest that if you do want to decorate your birdhouse you use natural or muted colours so that it doesn’t attract unwanted attention from other birds or predators. Do not paint it dark colours as this can make it too hot for birds (or in extreme cases, kill the eggs because they get over-heated). If you decide to paint your birdhouse use water-based or eco-friendly paint. Always avoid lead-based or creosote paints, which may be toxic to birds.
Are Kohab birdhouses made from tantalised wood?
No, our birdhouses are not made from tantalised wood. Tantalised wood is pressure-treated with chemicals such as copper, chromium and arsenic. Kohab would rather steer clear of such nasties in our products. We use marine-grade plywood that is laminated under high heat using waterproof glue. It's extra strong, thick enough to retain heat, and better suited to supporting the environment and the animals we share it with.
Do I need to seal my birdhouse?
Kohab wooden birdhouses and feeder is made from high-quality marine plywood, which is safe for birds and can last outside untreated for up to 10 years. However, as with all outside wood products, you can extend your birdhouses lifespan with a little bit of love. We recommend sealing it with Timber Sealer and Protector.
Where are kohab birdhouses manufactured?
Kohab birdhouses are proudly made in Auckland, New Zealand, nice and local to our Auckland HQ.