Discover Kohab Wild Bird Seed Mixes
Kohab has a range of nutritious high energy bird foods.
Supplement your garden birds diet and help them thrive.
Spend a few minutes watching and you’ll realise birds live extremely busy lives. This is why they need good nutrition and high-energy bird foods to thrive. Kohab Bird foods have been created with special care to supplement your NZ bird friends’ natural food sources and support their health and wellbeing.
Unlike other brands that add cheap filler seeds, Kohab bird foods only include ingredients that we know will add to the natural diet of birds. It also has a range of mixes to help attract a variety of birds to your garden. And Kohab offers a PLUS range that provides extra nutrition during more demanding times.
New Zealand’s nectar loving birds can also be supported with Kohab Bird Nectar. Our bird nectar is specially formulated with an extra nutritional boost with the superfood beetroot. Beetroot has antioxidant powers and is rich in nitrates, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The natural beetroot colours our nectar red to help attract birds such as Tui, Silvereye and Bellbirds. Why is beetroot good for birds?
Generally, the more types of food that you can offer in your garden, the greater the diversity of birds you can enjoy kohabiting with.
We select the best.
Here’s the low down on why each ingredient has been included in your Kohab bird food. You can see the make-up of each Kohab bird food in the product description in our shop.
Crushed Maize
Maize has the highest energy source of all cereal crops and contains high levels of starch. We use crushed maize as it’s easy for a range of wild birds to digest and gives a great energy boost.
Sunflower Hearts
With high levels of oil and protein the heart of the sunflower is bursting with energy and goodness. We include this as it's quick and easy for birds to enjoy without using up vital energy opening them.
Kibbled Peanuts
High in fast-release energy and proteins, peanuts are a great nutritional source. We kibble ours so they are easy to digest and safe for smaller birds and chicks.
Dried Grapes
We use plump sultanas as they are an especially good energy source for fruit loving birds.
Black Sunflower
Black Sunflower seeds have higher levels of oils and proteins than the striped variety. Some birds find these a particular treat and just love to crack them open.
We use Oats as they are the most oil-rich cereal, making them naturally high in calories. Enjoyed by many garden birds and a particular favourite of the soft billed Blackbird and Song Thrush.
Canary Seed
By adding Canary Seed we are able to provide additional minerals and vitamins for wild birds, as well as high levels of proteins and carbohydrates for energy.
Rape Seed
We include Rape Seed as it has a high oil-content, which is an excellent conditioning food for wild birds helping them develop strong, beautiful feathers.
Panicum has high levels of proteins and fats. We like it because it's perfect for extra energy and vitality.
With up to 40% oil and 20% protein Nyjer seed is particularly beneficial during tougher months, such as winter and breeding times.
Beetroot Powder
We give our high-energy Kohab Nectar an additional boost with beetroot powder that's packed with vitamins and minerals. It also gives our Nectar that irresistible colour to help attract Tui, Bellbirds and Silvereyes.
Dried Mealworms.
We include mealworms in our Plus Range as they have up to 50% protein so are a great nutritional boost for birds, especially during breeding season.