5 tips on setting up a birdbath.
Adding a freshwater source to your garden is one of the most important things you can do for the NZ birds you kohabit with.
Adding a freshwater source, such as a birdbath, to your back garden is one of the most important things you can do for the birds you kohabit with. And don't forget, watching the birds enjoy a bath is great fun too.
Why add a birdbath to your garden?
All birds need clean water to drink, but they also need water to preen and to keep their body cool on hot days. By bathing, they can ensure they keep their feathers in top condition for flite. By splashing about in the water they can effectively remove dirt and dust, any loose feathers and keep parasites under control.
Here in New Zealand, you will also find that some birds, such as Fantails, that don't visit feeders will often be attracted to your garden by water. So including a birdbath, it’s a great extra incentive for them to visit.
But when adding water to your garden it's important to do it so the birds can remain healthy and safe.
5 tips on setting up a birdbath.
1. Make your birdbath safe.
When garden birds are busy washing, they are vulnerable to attack. Make sure your birdbath is carefully positioned. It should be close to thick shrubs or trees to give them a safe place to escape from predators. Ensure the ground under and around your birdbath is clear so that the birds can see any predators that are close by.
If you own a cat, be responsible and ensure they wear a bell so that the birds can hear them coming and have time to flee. Kohab has a range of attractive Cat Bells to help keep your visitors safe from your BFF - Best Furry Friend.
2. Keep the water topped up.
In the hot weather, birdbaths can quickly dry up. Keep it topped up regularly as a clean supply will be what keeps the birds coming back to visit.
3. Keep the water clean.
Clean water is essential to birdlife. Not only will old water become dirty and undrinkable, but it can also spread parasites and diseases. Ideally, you should change the water daily.
4. Keep your birdbath clean.
Kohab HQ’s cheap and cheerful birdbath set up.
Wash birdbaths regularly to help limit the potential for the spread of any germs or diseases. We recommend you use a 5% disinfectant solution and give your birdbaths a good scrub, inside and out, followed by a thorough rinse. Always wear gloves when handling birdbaths, birds can carry infections that can be dangerous to humans so good hand hygiene is essential.
5. Birdbaths don't have to be expensive.
Birdbaths don't have to be expensive, or sculptural pieces of art. A simple bowl or high sided plate will work. Here at Kohab HQ, we use a metal plant stand and with a large bowl on the top, both from Kmart and we think it looks great.
So why not get creative and see what you can set up to help your birds this summer. We'd love to see your birdbath and any of your visitors taking a dip, so either tag #kohabnz on any social media posts or email us at info@kohab.nz