The Ruru (Morepork) in Māori Mythology
The Ruru is
considered a connection between nature, ancestors, and unseen forces within Māori culture.
Considered a kaitiaki (guardian) and a messenger between the physical world and the spiritual world (te ao wairua), the Ruru’s call is believed to carry messages. Its soft, repetitive ‘more pork’ hoot is thought to bring reassurance, while its sharp, ‘quee’ cry may be a warning of something to come. Some believe the Ruru are a symbol of wisdom and protection and represent ancestral spirits (tūpuna), watching over their descendants.
Ruru as a Guardian
The Ruru is believed to guard sacred places (wāhi tapu) and people. If a Ruru appears near a home or marae, it is often said that spirits are nearby. Some traditional stories tell of Ruru protecting loved ones or helping lost travellers find their way.
The Kohab Ruru Birdhouse
The Ruru is believed to guard sacred places (wāhi tapu) and people.
A Symbol of Knowledge
The Ruru is also linked to learning and wisdom. Its ability to see in the dark represents insight and understanding, similar to the pursuit of mātauranga (knowledge) in Māori tradition.
Ruru (Morepork) - Facts and Info
How to support Ruru Owls (Morepork) in your garden?
Ruru owls are a vital New Zealand bird within our delicate ecosystem, helping to control insect and rodent populations. Although the Ruru is a forest owl is also common in urban settings where there are lots of large trees. But unfortunately, the spread of urbanisation and the constant removal of large trees within our towns and cities is causing their numbers to decline.
There are several ways you can support and even encourage Ruru in your area:
Help provide a food source, leave a light on at night to attract moths and insects giving them an easy snack.
Plant Puriri and Ngaio trees as Ruru owls love the Puriri moths and wetas that these trees attract.
Maintain large trees, Ruru are originally forest birds and they like to live around well-established vegetation.
Trap for predators. Ruru at risk of predation so the reduction of pests in your area will help support their numbers.
As large trees are threatened by urban spread providing a suitable nesting site is very helpful. This can be done by installing a Ruru nesting box or birdhouse.
The Kohab Ruru Birdhouse is Built-in marine plywood and replicates the natural nesting preferences of Ruru.
Kohab Ruru Birdhouse
The Kohab Ruru nesting box has been specially designed to give safe, warm shelter to New Zealands’ native Ruru, or Morepork Owl.
Adding a Ruru birdhouse to your garden is a great way to support and encourage your local native owls. Not only are you providing a safe nesting box, you also get to connect more with those you kohabit your space with and have the joy of watching generation after generation of new bird life.
We'd love you to share any pictures of any Ruru you may have in your garden. Simply tag us on social media or send us an email, we’d love to hear from you.