Supporting birdlife without plastic.
The local community leaves regular donations of pre-used packaging on Kohab HQ’s doorstep. Ideal for upcycling to package Kohab products, helping all of us reduce our footprint.
Kohab is inspired by nature. So when developing our products, we knew we had to use sustainable packaging. Believe when we say finding sustainable packaging for loose seed isn't easy, which is probably why other bird seed companies in New Zealand use plastic. It’s been a long road but now we’re very happy to reveal our new Kohab Wild Bird Food packaging.
So when your Kohab order arrives you will find you can easily recycle all the packaging from your home curbside. Our seed and nectar will arrive in sealed, heavyweight paper bags, with a card stapled on. Products will be sent in a cardboard box that is part-recycled pulp with paper-based packaging tape, and any padding will be shredded newspaper. Where possible we will upcycle pre-used packaging that we collect from our local community. All of which we currently do with our birdhouses and feeders.
The world of eco-packaging isn't an easy one to navigate, but we feel pretty pleased that Kohab can provide products in sustainable packaging that are designed to support the birdlife we kohabit with. We hope you're happy with it, too.