The Myna bird looks like the type of bird to be wary of, and it is.
The Myna was introduced from India to help keep insects at bay on farmland and are now fully established in New Zealand, mainly in the warmer North Island. They can be seen strutting about boldly and due to their large stocky body and yellow skin near their eyes, they are easily recognised.
Known as the bully of the bird table this bird will take over feeding sites and other birds nests, killing their chicks and destroying their eggs. This aggression makes them unpopular here in New Zealand.
They are great imitators and can imitate other birds, car alarms and doorbells. They can also be taught how to speak basic human phrases like a parrot. Their own call is fast and loud with lots of bell notes mixed with chattering and gurgling.
What do Song Myna eat?
Myna birds love insects and invertebrates as well as a bit of fruit. They are often found along busy roads jumping in and out of the way of traffic where they gobble up insects that are killed by passing cars.