Song Thrush

If you have a Song Thrush kohabiting alongside you then you’ll hear its beautiful musical songs softly being sung from a high perch.

A close relative to the Blackbird, the Song Thrush is slightly smaller with brown colours and a pretty speckled chest.  It was introduced from the UK in the 1960s to remind the European settlers of home.

If you have a Song Thrush kohabiting alongside you then you’ll hear its beautiful musical songs softly being sung from a high perch. Or if you want to encourage them to visit include a birdbath in your garden where they will happily splash away.

Song Thrush is happy using a nesting box such as the Kohab Open Birdhouse.  If you’re lucky enough to get Song Thrush bringing up their family near you then you will be rewarded with the joy of seeing new generations coming into the world and by being able to watch their busy comings and goings.

What do Song Thrush eat?

Snails seem to be a particular favourite of the Song Thrush.  Once they find one they will carry it away to their favourite rock, or anvil, to smash it open.  They also love insects, spiders and earthworms which they forage for, as well as seeds and fruits.

Like the blackbird, the Song Thrush is a ground feeder, so will happily eat from a safe ground spot or from a bird table. Kohab Wild Bird Seed is a great mix for them.

To further support the Song Thrush allow leaf litter to accumulate in your area to support insect life and plant insect-friendly plants.

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Song Thrush

Song Thrush will love:

Kohab Wild Bird Seed Kohab Wild Bird Seed Kohab Wild Bird Seed Kohab Wild Bird Seed Kohab Wild Bird Seed
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Kohab Wild Bird Seed
from NZ$10.95
Kohab Bird Feeder Kohab Bird Feeder
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Kohab Open Birdhouse Kohab Open Birdhouse
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