

If they decide to make your garden their home then they will happily kohabit with you.

The Yellowhammer is a pretty little creature with the male having a bright yellow head and undies that make him stand out.  Found throughout  New Zealand it was introduced from the UK around 1870.

The Yellowhammer is happiest in the countryside where they are not a friend to the farmer and quickly gobble up freshly sown seeds.  But if they decide to make your garden their home then they will happily kohabit with you for the length of their long 5 month breeding season where they will guard their territory fiercely.  

The Yellowhammers song is easily recognisable as it is distinguishable from others as it sounds as though it's saying “a little bit of bread and no cheese” which is always fun to listen to.

What do Yellowhammer eat?

They spend much of their time on the ground where they feed on seed and supplement their diet during breeding season with invertebrates for additional protein.  

Supporting the wellbeing of the Yellowhammer can be done by providing Kohab Wild Bird Seed on the ground, in a ground feeder or on a bird table.

It’s also important to support the insects in your space which in turn provides them with a great natural protein source, this can be done by planting insect-friendly plants and leaving leaf litter for them to live in.

Bird Guide Tables (6).png

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