Kohab Life
Tips and ideas to support NZ Birds in your garden and help them thrive.

What does endemic, native and introduced mean for NZ birds?
Endemic, native or introduced - what do these terms mean in relation to NZ birds. Find out in our quick and easy guide…

Silvereye (Tauhou) - Facts and Info
Silvereye are one of the most common NZ birds. This means it's highly likely you are kohabiting with them already. They are easy to spot with their beautiful white eye-rings and olive green undies. They are happy little creatures and suddenly appear in your garden in a quarrelsome flock. Find out more about Silvereyes

Winter Birdhouses
Provide some extra support NZ birds over winter buy converting your birdhouse into a warm safe shelter.

5 Tips For Painting Birdhouses
Decorating Birdhouses is great fun. But it's important to ensure they are safe for the birds so here’s 5 tips on how to paint a birdhouse.

16 Creative Birdhouse Ideas
Get some birdhouse decorating inspiration from Kohabs’ collaboration with local artists, Smales Farm and the fabulous Dizzie Pixie Designs

Mindful gifts to support wildlife.
Gifts that support your local environment, that are ecofriendly, are something that will be enjoyed, and not end up in landfill are hard to find.

Tūī - Facts and info.
Find out facts and info about Tui, one of New Zealand’s most iconic birds.

Should I feed wild NZ birds?
We believe that giving a little extra support will make a positive difference and support our wildlife, but it needs to be done right.

The story of Kohab
With a new appreciation of watching magical happenings in her garden, Josie wanted to take it one step further, and so Kohab was born. Find out more…