Kohab Life
Tips and ideas to support NZ Birds in your garden and help them thrive.

Fantail (Pīwakawaka)- Facts and Info
The friendly Fantail is one of New Zealand's iconic birds and one that everyone is always happy to see. It is a small cheerful little bird, but don't be fooled by this tiny cute bird, it's actually an insect-killing machine! Find out more about the endemic Fantail in this Kohab Life blog.

Support the NZ birds this Autumn.
For NZ birds Autumn is a time of preparation. Being in top condition before the winter rolls in is imperative for survival. Find out how you can support our NZ garden birds in the Autumn season.

How to stop cats killing birdlife.
Stop your cat from killing NZ birds. With over 1.2 million domestic cats in New Zealand killing over 18 million animals a year it’s important to take steps to reduce your cats kill rate.

5 tips on setting up a birdbath.
Adding a birdbath, to your back garden is one of the most important things you can do for the NZ garden birds you kohabit with. And watching the birds enjoy a bath is great fun too.

Kohab became a little bit more famous…
Find out a little bit more about Josie Sutherland and Kohab in this Stuff article.

Best Nesting Materials for NZ Birds.
Support NZ garden birds during the nesting season by putting out nesting materials. But what materials are best and what should be avoided.

Supporting birdlife without plastic.
Kohab is inspired by nature. So when developing our products, we knew we had to use sustainable packaging. Believe when we say finding sustainable packaging isn't easy,

How do NZ birds build their nests?
Nests are complex constructions that are unique to each bird species. Just how do NZ garden birds manage to make such structures with just their beaks?

What to do if you find a baby bird?
Spring seemed to come early to New Zealand this year with the first fledglings being seen in late August. So what should you do if you find a baby bird to ensure it has the best possible chance of survival?

Support your NZ garden birds this spring.
All of a sudden spring and sprung, and the birds we kohabit with are getting ready for their busiest time of year, breeding season. Find out what can you do to help support your wild NZ garden birds…

How to choose a birdhouse for NZ birds.
Each New Zealand garden bird species has different nesting needs. Some will simply not use a birdhouse, but lots will. So what birdhouse do you buy for what bird?

How to attract native NZ birds to your garden
Encouraging our special endemic and native birds is really important to help the natural balance of our unique land. So take a look at our top tips for supporting these magical birds, and remember it’s a win-win as you’ll get the joy of watching your new friends kohabit alongside you.