NZ Bird Guide.For the wild birds in your garden. New Zealand is blessed with a wealth of bird life. Here’s a run down on the wild bird species you may see, or want to see in your garden, and what bird food or birdhouse is right for them. Grey Warbler - Riroriro Fantail - Pīwakawaka Redpoll Bellbird - Korimako Kingfisher - Kōtare Silvereye - Tauhou Chaffinch - Pahirini Song Thrush Myna Spotted Dove Morepork - Ruru Welcome Swallow - Warou Yellowhammer Starling -Tāringi Little Owl Australian Magpie - Makipae Tui -Tūī Goldfinch Greenfinch Blackbird - Manu Pango Rock Pigeon Wood Pigeon - Kererū Dunnock (Hedge Sparrow) House Sparrow - Tiu Eastern Rosella Barbary Dove